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Osteopathic consultation 

What to expect from an osteopathic consultation?

Case history

The history of your animal is the starting point of any diagnostic approach. You will be asked detailed questions about your pet's present complaint, general health and past medical history, in order to understand your animal needs. 

Gait Analysis

Assessing your animal’s gait and posture is a fundamental step in understanding their mobility and identifying any underlying issues that may hinder their recovery. We will observe your companion while walking, running and performing a series of turns. This allows us to detect any irregularities in their movement, such as limping, favouring a particular limb, or compensation strategies that your pet may be employing.

Clinical examination

This will include an assessment of the posture and the way the body moves. And a palpation of the body to assess how the tissues are working and identifying any particular disturbed areas. A clinical examination is carried out in order to have an overall view of the state of health of the animal and allows us to exclude any contraindication to an osteopathic consultation. Otherwise, the animal will be referred to a veterinarian.

Osteopathic diagnosis

The osteopathic diagnosis will carry out a complete check-up of your animal by manual tests to determine restrictions of mobility that have resulted due to injury, stress or disease. The diagnosis takes account of all symptoms - not just the primary presenting problem - and wether and how they are connected.

Osteopathic treatment

The osteopathic treatment consists of a wide range of manual hands on techniques, ranging from work on muscles and other soft tissues, to joint mobilising and specific manipulation to improve joint movement and function. The aim of osteopathic treatment is not only to relieve pain and improve function but also to prevent the recurrence of symptoms by adressing the root cause of the health issues.

Tailored Treatment Plans

We are here to support you every step of the way on your companion's healing journey. In addition to providing treatment, we will offer advice on various lifestyle factors that can contribute to your companion's overall well-being. This includes guidance on nutrition, stress management, and exercise routines tailored to meet the specific needs of your companion. By incorporating healthy habits into their daily lives, we can optimise their healing process and minimise the chances of future injury.


We are providing osteopathic consultations and dry needling sessions for your beloved companions. Offering these services can help improve their overall health and well-being, which can lead to happier and healthier lives. Osteopathic consultations focus on assessing and treating musculoskeletal issues, while dry needling can effectively target trigger points and relieve pain, promoting greater comfort and mobility for your companions.


Dry needling

Involves the insertion of thin needles into trigger points, (muscle knots) to reduce local and referred pain by releasing muscular tension and promoting relaxation. 


Valuable therapeutic tool for addressing muscular pain and dysfunction in osteopathic practice. By stimulating the neuromuscular system, dry needling can help restore normal muscle function and optimise muscle performance.


Cranio-sacral therapy

Focuses on the craniosacral system, which includes the bones of the skull (cranium), the spine, and the sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of the spine). These techniques may include light touch, subtle movements, and gentle holds to facilitate the body's self-healing mechanisms and promote relaxation and balance.


Beneficial for a wide range of conditions, including headaches, migraines, neck and back pain, jaw restriction, stress-related disorders, and central nervous system disorders.


Myofascial release

Therapeutic technique used to address restrictions and tension in the fascia, a connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, nerves, and organs throughout the body. The gentle pressure applied during myofascial release can promote blood flow to the affected areas, which aid in tissue healing and repair.


Beneficial for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including chronic pain, repetitive strain injuries, postural imbalances, scar tissue adhesions, pelvic floor dysfunctons and sports-related injuries.

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Joint mobilisation

Fundamental technique used in osteopathic treatment to improve joint function, reduce pain, and increase range of motion. It involves the application of manual force to a joint, typically using gentle, rhythmic movements within the joint's natural range of motion.


Beneficial for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including arthritis, joint stiffness, sports injuries, and postural imbalances.


Visceral manipulation

Manual techniques to assess and treat restrictions or imbalances within the organs and the surrounding tissues. These techniques involve palpation, gentle pressure, and subtle movements aimed at restoring normal mobility and function to the organs.


Beneficial for a variety of conditions including digestive disorders, pelvic pain, urinary problems, and respiratory issues. It can also help alleviate symptoms associated with stress, trauma, surgical interventions, and chronic pain syndromes.


Soft tissue mobilisation

 Soft tissue mobilisation aims to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and restore function by releasing tension, reducing adhesions, and  improve the healing time of strained muscular tissue by increasing the blood circulation and lymph flow.


Beneficial for various musculoskeletal conditions, including muscle strains, tendonitis, ligament injuries, and myofascial pain syndromes.

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